
2017 "King of Cross-border Songs" Return of the King, omarte Ou Ma Accompanies You to Cross-border E

VIEWS:1137times RELEASE TIME:2018-06-29

Launched by Beijing Satellite TV, Beijing TV, Hualu Baina Lan Huo, Perfect World Television, Beijing Culture, Beijing Satellite Media, and omarte Ou Ma's support, the large-scale star cross-border music program 2017 "King of Cross-border Songs" arrived at Beijing Satellite TV on April 15 as promised.

2017 "King of Cross-Border Songs" uses more than 100 Moore 260 light beam lamps from omarte Ou Ma. With its strong light output, excellent rendering effect, perfect interpretation of light and shadow art, it cooperates with the "King of Cross-Border Songs" editing team to customize the multi-style music for the "sound" of cross-border guests and reflects the dynamic, colorful and dazzling light and shadow vision.

With the progress of the program, cross-border singers' singing strength is continuously improving, and stage vision is also continuously upgrading. Through the perfect combination of scenery, lights, images and actors, different stories are told.  Omarte Ou Ma Moore 260 Light Beam Lamp will escort the program as always, trying to bring 90 magnificent visual feasts to the audience!

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